An educational app especially for school or pre-school children. Learn how to build sentences. Try a full version for more abilities and levels.
An educational app especially for school or pre-school children. Learn how to build sentences. Try a full version for more abilities and levels.
This is a very fun and interactive game I highly recommend this!!!!
This is a great app for toddlers. It helps them understand sentence structure and strengthens it. I recommend this app to anyone with young children.
This is a great app for kids learning how to write sentences. There are many sentences and it reads aloud to you. I think kids enjoy the fun in the app yet also get to learn and enhance their sentence structure skills.
Awesome and easy way for kids to learn how to write and to read. A good way for kids to start somewhere. Good app!
Its useful. In this app, my child can think about how to move the words into the correct sentence position. And it can help my child gain confidence in reading sentences. Good!
Provides my nephew hours of entertainment and education. It really helps building his reading skills
Educational app that is worth a try.
The app has great content, worth a try.
My son has autism. I wanted to expose him to reading in a new way. Before your app, I follow the standards and created visuals. I didnt want another communication tool for simple needs. I wanted for him to experiment with language structure and finally read. Exceptional app from preschool university. Thank you.
The App is a solid idea, but there are errors in the subject-verb agreement in your two word sentence building. i.e. Jon reads not Jon read. Hope you are able to make the corrections.
This app really helped with starting to read sentences. Some sight words were thrown in for good measure, too.